Approaching the New Year 2011

As we all approach the New Year we make "new year resolutions" in different areas of our lives. But somewhere down the calendar year we fall short of completing these promises. We loose our focus, our drive and the stamina it takes to really change. Our we take our breath...I should say has a lot to do with it. We need to take a deep breath from the lungs so that our brain (our mind), our body (internal organs) and heart (our spirit) can get enough oxygen to supply all these things to run smoothly and connected. This is called the "yoga breath" or "deep abdominal breath". The more focus on the breath the quieter the mind gets allowing us to breath deeper into the lungs allowing the body to function at it's optimal. Calming the mind allows us to stay focused and to think & feel with a clear mind and heart. Thus,leaving us with less stress in our lives leaving room to stay focused, to think & feel clearly. Giving our bodies more stamina because we are not bogged down with the "junk". Bringing the mind, body & spirit together to complete those "new year resolutions". Wishing you all a peaceful, happy, healthy New Year full of big deep breathes..................

Life Lesson's

Some people approach their yoga practice as a break from the world, a separate space where they can recover from life's stresses and strains. Once they've pulled themselves back together, they return to their families and jobs renewed.

But what we really want to learn is how to incorporate our yoga practice into the rest of our lives and to respond to life's challenges without adding tension and stress. It is at this level that yoga really becomes a deeper practice. You can be under tremendous stress and come back into experiencing feeling grounded as though it were just another moment of Tadasana (Mountain Pose); or you can receive a big disappointment and be able to drop into your breath, realizing it's just another moment of practice; you can be in the daily tension of your everyday life, and allow the breath to move the feelings through your body allowing you to relax.

Close your eyes, relax, get centered, get balanced and breathe.............Namaste Cyn

Apply Vinyasa to Daily Life

Vinyasa yoga teaches us to cultivate an awareness that links each action to the next—on the mat and in our lives. Applying vinyasa in your yoga practice and daily life has many parallels to our breath in class. Moving through life demands a synchronization with natural forces that requires skill and intuition, the ability to set a course yet change with the wind. You have to know how to assess ourselves; in our physical, emotional, and spiritual states.

The teachings of yoga include a view called parinamavada, the idea that constant change is an inherent part of life. To proceed mindfully with any action, we must first assess where we are starting from today; we cannot assume we are quite the same person we were yesterday. We are all prone to ignoring the changing conditions of our body-mind; we often distort the reality of who we are based on who we think that we should be. This can show up on the yoga mat in any number of inappropriate choices: engaging in a heating, rigorous practice when we're agitated or fatigued; doing a restorative practice when we're stagnant; going to an advanced yoga class when a beginning class better suits our experience and skills. In order to avoid such unbeneficial actions, we need to start out with an accurate assessment of our current state.

Be who you should be each and every day (it will be different).............
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