Diets, diets and more diets..........

Sita Ram....It's the new year!! Many of us take this opportunity to cleanse, change something, begin something or quit something whether it be physical or emotional or both. Our physical body seems to be at a high priority for most people at this time of year. So diet and exercise become part of that change. But most of us don't do this in a mindful rather but a systematic one. With everything going on in our lives, we rarely make time to eat mindfully. We eat on the go, at the sink, in cars or at our desks for the minutes we can spare. But when we eat without noticing and enjoying our food, we miss one of life's greatest pleasures leaving us unsatisfied and graving something more later. We have allowed that which should nourish us to become that which causes us stress.

The next time you eat, take a moment to take a breath, relax and really taste your food. Stop what you're doing, sit down, chew slowly savoring and noticing the flavors, textures, and smells of the meal in front of you. Express gratitude for the health and nourishment it provides. You will become fuller and more satisfied as you eat, signaling the brain that your stomach is full which will make you eat less.

Over time, this ritual can improve your digestion, your weight and overall physical and mental health. Your diet will become more natural and nourishing. You will gain more energy and think more clearly. Bon Apetito!! Cyn

Happy Holidays!

Sharing Your Blessings
Your yoga practice has been a journey in stripping away the layers that surround your heart, revealing your truth and removing obstacles that hold you back. This year, as you spend time with your family, simply offer love and gratitude to them in every way possible. As you learn to embrace and accept your family members for who they are and what they have been through, you will find yourself actually appreciating them more. Let this season be a time to put aside whatever past experiences may keep you from extending love and gratitude, and offer your loved ones the great gifts that you have received from your yoga practice. Simply be present, embrace and accept each moment and each person with
Light and love.

Being Present
In this world filled with fantastic technology, multitasking has become a requirement. Sometimes it can appear to others that you are not really focusing on them. The greatest gift this holiday season is to be present. Listen to others and hear what they're saying. Listen to the music; attach meaning to the words and notice the sensations. This is the time of year you have full permission to indulge, so when you eat, be present! Really taste your holiday food, savor every bite and appreciate the preparation. The holidays are festive and decorative so allow your eyes to see the beauty of the decorations and the gifts and experience the excitement. Enjoy practicing being present off your mat this holiday season!

Start a daily sadhana (pronounced sawed-dha-na). A sadhana is a practice or a routine that grounds you into yourself. It's time for you. Your sadhana can be anything from 10 minutes of meditation to a session of Yoga Today, to cooking yourself breakfast daily. The key to bringing more strength to your body is to discipline yourself to practice everyday with awareness. Taking time for care-giving each day establishes you in your resplendent light inside... and you become a greater transmitting station of the light that is celebrated during the holidays!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year with Light,
Love & Peace Always Cyn

Bringing your Yoga Practice off the mat

How many times have we not done something simple because we didn't know how or what to do? In life sometimes we don't know really what our part is. At times we have an intuition or perhaps a voice that keeps yearning for us to take part or to take action. We don't have to know how to do something before we begin; life lessons are designed to show us the value of doing our part even when we don't know what to do. Our part may be tiny or grand it doesn't matter. What matters is that we follow that intuition or voice. Yoga teaches us to take action, to do service for the sake of service, to embody the world we live in. I want to live in a world where all beings are cared for, where strangers stop for each other, where neighbors are neighborly, whether to save a life, to exchange a simple smile, or offer a helping hand; where I am not afraid and willing to take action. Fortunately, yoga offers us endless lessons in courage and moving from the heart. Through warrior we can gain the courage to do our part even for just one minute, is all it takes to make the world feel like home. Lunge into warrior I inhale with a sense of service while bending slightly back to open your heart; exhale into warrior II releasing the sense of fear. Stand strong from the souls of your feet to the crown of your head and breathe. Bring your practice off the mat into life and live!
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